
CEO Greetings

Ecotronix was founded in 1991 by its predecessor, Japan Trading Corporation and was developing a trade business with Japan until it established its independent manufacturing plant and expanded its business as a company specializing in EMS.

Based on our business relationships and experiences with Japanese companies since the beginning of our business, we have gained trust for the last decades and securing it through the EMS that understands and satisfies the high standards of our Japanese customers.

Based on a stable business foundation, we continue to invest aggressively to secure capabilities of developing technology on our own, expanding our business scope to ODM (Original Design Manufacturing) services. We are providing efficient processes and services that would meet the needs of customer companies through global systems, real-time monitoring systems, and the latest manufacturing systems.

Every executive and employee of the company will do our best to create Ecotronix that puts top priority on customer satisfaction based on customer trust.


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    Establishment of the Ecotronix Corporation
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    Construction of the Jincheon factory
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    Acquirement of ISO9001
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    Construction of the Central Research Institute
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    Construction of the 2nd Jincheon factory
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    Transfer of the head company to Seongnam / Expansion of the production lines of the 2nd Jincheon factory
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    Acquirement of the ISO14001 / INNOBIZ Certification
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    Awarded the 20 million dollar Export Tower Trophy
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    Received the Trade Day Presidential Certificate / Certificate of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups
  • 유망중소기업인증서-150x150.jpg


    Gyeonggi-do Women Employment Excellence Company / Gyeonggi-do Promising Small & Medium Business

Certification & Awards